Are you ready? Are you aware of the signs of infection? This is part of The Hypno Collective‘s latest collaboration — a Drone-themed file inspired by Kelly Ewers’ ‘Drone Space.’ Prepare to feel the transformation as you are drawn deeper into the collective.

This isn’t just hypnosis; it’s the beginning of something far more… profound..

Script by Lamb

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Pleasure Loops

If you’ve been following along with the HFO training series, you’ll know I always create a complementary file to reinforce triggers. As we move deeper into the series, these files are designed to become more intense.

HFO Training Part 2: Mindgasm

This is a deeply seductive hypnosis file designed to intertwine irresistible elements, each building upon the last to overwhelm and disorient you in ways that make resistance a losing battle. The file that combines different elements that complement each other – overwhelming and confusing you. The deeper you try to resist, the more tangled you become, caught in a web of my voice and arousal.